The Richard E. 'Dick' Reeves Legacy Society


An Invitation to Join the The Richard E. 'Dick' Reeves Legacy Society

In 1896, Bishop Joseph Crane Hartzell ascended Chiremba Mountain which overlooked the Methodist Mission in Old Mutare, Zimbabwe, and envisioned hundreds of young men and women from across Africa coming together to attend a Methodist school of higher education at Old Mutare. Nearly a century later, the Bishop's dream became a reality when the 1988 General Conference of the United Methodist Church voted to establish and endow Africa University.

Dick Reeves, a retired engineer, volunteered his considerable skills in the service of the newly established University. He was elected to serve on the Board of Directors in 1988 and chaired the Building and Grounds Committee until 1998. Dick's expertise was instrumental in developing the long-range construction and site plans for the campus. He supervised the construction of the Woodie W. White Bridge over the Nyagambu River, which connected the University campus with the Old Mutare Mission site. He also worked closely with the architects and contractors on the construction of buildings at the University. At Dick's death on June 2, 1999, nineteen new buildings had been constructed on Africa University's campus.

It is most appropriate, then, that the Africa University Development Office has established The Richard E. "Dick" Reeves Legacy Society to recognize, honor, and thank those who, like Dick Reeves, reached beyond their own lives to build bridges to dreams for future generations of Africa University students by making a planned gift to the University.

These donors have named Africa University as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts might include a bequest and/or charitable income gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts, charitable remainder annuity trusts, or gifts of life insurance. We also define a planned gift as a current gift of cash, securities, real estate, or other assets of at least $10,000 in value and designated for the endowment.

Once you complete your estate plans, please fill out our member profile form to let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity by including you in The Richard E. 'Dick' Reeves Legacy Society.

Membership Benefits

Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others.

Benefits of membership in The Richard E. 'Dick' Reeves Legacy Society also include annual luncheons, invitations to special events and seminars and a subscription to our newsletter.

The most important benefit you will receive from joining The Richard E. 'Dick' Reeves Legacy Society is the satisfaction derived from making a lasting contribution to our long-term success.