Meet our Graduates

Scholarships continue to be an urgent and pressing need, and the #1 priority of Africa University.

As a pan-African institution, Africa University is committed to a diverse student population drawn from all of Africa and from all socio-economic backgrounds. This diversity is what makes Africa University unique on the African continent; it is the "AU difference"; it is what attracts the multi-national corporations to actively recruit AU graduates. To maintain this diversity within our student population, scholarships are a necessity and continue to be a pressing and urgent need.

Nastasha Mutwazi


Clare Katiyo

Dearest Franklin First Church Members:

I do not know where to start or how to start writing this letter for mere words will never be enough to express my gratitude to you. All I can say is God is forever faithful and to Him be the Glory!

My joy and my achievements have been because of Him and You. God touched me through you and it made a profound difference in my life, in the world, and everywhere!

First and foremost, I thank the Lord God Almighty for giving me this opportunity of having Guardians like you who took care of me, provided for me in every way that mattered. It was an honor to be your ward, your daughter.

I never would have made it without your love and everlasting support that carried me through my studies and personal life. You were right there with me every step and every minute of the way. I am forever indebted to you and will never be able to repay you have all that you have done for me.

Moreover I made it because the Lord was always there to guide, protect, lead, and bless me all the way for He is forever faithful.

I am better and happy. I can reach the sky. I can live my dream. I am able to fulfill my life's goals. I did not do much, but the Lord and You did much. It is written in Isaiah that you can set the horse for the war, but the Victory belongs to the Lord.

My graduation day was the day that the Lord had made, so I rejoiced in tears! I was glad for every minute of it. I thank the Lord for everything: friends, the people I met at AU, students, staff, faculty--- everyone nurtured me. I owe it to you for you gave me gave me this opportunity.

Thank you very much. May God forever bless you, bless your families and may your dreams be fulfilled. Thank you endlessly.

Warm regards,



Chadreque Ivan Carlos Gujamo

My name is Chadreque Ivan Carlos Gujamo. I am 24 years old and I am Mozambican. In 2008, I was awarded a scholarship to go to Africa University to pursue with my studies. This scholarship has changed my family's and my life. After 5 years full of experience, learning, and knowledge, today I have earned a degree of Bachelor of Business Studies - Management.

Today, I am proud to say thank you for your efforts and for believing that I could earn a college degree.

Now, I am back to my home country, Mozambique, together again with my family. I will never forget the look of happiness that I saw in my parents' faces when I graduated. It was at that exact moment that I realized that "The Dream Is Alive".

Once again I thank you for all your efforts expended on my behalf.

Best Regards,

Chadreque Gujamo


Arthur Tanyaradzwa Machanzi

My name is Arthur Tanyaradzwa Machanzi. I am a Zimbabwean in my final year in the Faculty of Management and Administration. My major is Economics. I have really enjoyed being a student ambassador and being in the Africa University choir. I would like to thank my sponsors for giving me this opportunity to obtain a university education. I hope to be able to bless others as I have been blessed. Thank you!

Pedro Nelson Manuel Inacio

Greetings to you, my dear sponsor!

My name is Pedro Nelson Manuel Inacio. I am 27 years old, and I am from Angola.

First of all, I would like to thank God for the gift of life he has given to us. Secondly, I would like to thank you for the wonderful job and for allowing the will of God to be manifested in my life through you.

I completed my degree program in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences with a major in Economics and a minor in Sociology. I am now an empowered young man and the first in my generation to earn a university degree. All I have to say is Thank you very much!!! May GOD abundantly bless you and your family for this great job of financing scholarships for Africans at Africa University.

Thank you all!

Pedro Nelson Manuel Inacio